Yuhang Liu got a doctor's degree in engineering from Beihang University in 2013. He researched at Illinois Institute of Technology by 2 years and he entered in ICT as a research assistant since 2015. He became an assistant professor in 2017. His personal website
Research area:
Computer Architecture (Storage System, High-Performance Computing, Data-Intensive Computing, Intelligent Parallel System)
Selected papers:
1)刘宇航,包云岗. 计算机系统设计方法学(历史-计算-数据-结构)[M]. 高等教育出版社. 2022年.
2)刘宇航,包云岗. 计算机系统开创性经典文献选读与解析[M]. 机械工业出版社. 2022年.
3)Yuhang Liu, Xian-He Sun, Yang Wang, Yungang Bao. HCDA: from Computational Thinking to a Generalized Thinking Paradigm[J]. Communications of the ACM, 2021, 64(5): 66-75.
4)Haiyang Pan, Yuhang Liu, Tianyue Lu, Mingyu Chen: LSP: Collective Cross-Page Prefetching for NVM[C]. in the Proceedings of Design Automation & Test in Europe, 2021: 501-506. 获最佳论文提名奖
5)Yuhang Liu, Xian-He Sun. LPM: A Systematic Methodology for Concurrent Data Access Pattern Optimization from a Matching Perspective[J]. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2019, 30(11):2478-2493.
6)Yuhang Liu, Xian-He Sun. CaL: Extending Data Locality to Consider Concurrency for Performance Optimization[J]. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2018, 5(2):273-288.
7)Yuhang Liu, Xian-He Sun. Evaluating the Combined Effect of Memory Capacity and Concurrency for Many-Core Chip Design[J]. ACM Transactions on Modeling & Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems, 2017, 2(2):1-25.
8) Yuhang Liu, Xian-He Sun. C2-bound: A Capacity and Concurrency driven Analytical Model for Manycore Design[C]. In the Proceedings of International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis 2015 (SC’15). Texas, Austin, USA, Nov. 2015, 1-11.